soil microorganisms are essential part of ecosystem and play crucial functions like energy

exchange and chemical transformation. Furthermore, microbial communities' variety and

richness serve as crucial markers of soil's dynamic changes.The terrestrial ecosystem is based

on soil microbial populations, which are also important biogeochemical process drivers.

Microbes affect the global climate, water quality, and atmospheric composition in addition to

being crucial to the cycling of nutrients and soil fertility. Billions of microorganisms,

including bacteria, fungus, and archaea, can be found in a few grams of soil. These creatures

carry out a variety of ecological functions.Microorganisms are the indicator of soil health and

soil productivity. The presence of organic matter within the soil is itself nothing until or

unless beneficial microorganism’s act on it and convert it into available form (humus) by

releasing the different types of enzymes. Manipulating the interaction between plant and

microbes is leads to an increase in plant growth as well as soil health within the ecofriendly

environment. Therefore, it is concluded that soil health and crop production can only be

improved by soil microbes.